Make a fake message box in Windows

Wanna prank a Windows user, then this one is the best trick for you ;)

1. Open Notepad
2. Type in following code there:
   x=msgbox(box text,buttons,box title)

On the part where it says "box text", type the text you want on the window (with quotation marks). On the "box title", type the title of the message box the same way you typed the text. On "buttons" type a number (without quotation marks):

0: Normal message box
1: OK and Cancel
2: Abort, Retry, Ignore
3: Yes, No, Cancel
4: Yes and No
5: Retry and Cancel
16: Critical message icon 
32: Warning query icon
48: Warning message icon
64: Information message icon
4096: Always stay on top of the desktop

3. Save the file as *.Vbs
4. Click on that file and your message will appear!!!

You can change the name and icon of that file to prank others 😎
