Create WiFi Hotspot Using cmd

Yup, we are back with another CMD trick and this time we will show you how you can create your own WiFi hotspot with command prompt!!!!

You can simply do that with few lines of commands in cmd. You don’t have to install some Software to use Hotspot on your PC.
Just Enter the following command in command prompt :

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Hotspotname key=password
where Hotspotname and password you can enter with your choice.
The above command will create a Hotspot but it currently in offline mode.
To Start: Type netsh wlan start hostednetwork in command prompt and Press Enter.
Now you have successfully created your own WiFi hotspot.
To Stop : Type netsh wlan stop hostednetwork in the command prompt and Press Enter.
...And that's all:)
