Basic Command prompt tips you must remember

  • Use Ctrl+C to Abort a Command

Just about any command can be stopped in its tracks with the abort command: Ctrl-C

  • Become a Command Prompt Power User with Function Keys

The fact that the function keys actually do something in the Command Prompt is maybe one of the best kept secrets about the tool:
F1: Pastes the last executed command (character by character)
F2: Pastes the last executed command (up to the entered character)
F3: Pastes the last executed command
F4: Deletes current prompt text up to the entered character
F5: Pastes recently executed commands (does not cycle)
F6: Pastes ^Z to the prompt
F7: Displays a selectable list of previously executed commands
F8: Pastes recently executed commands (cycles)
F9: Asks for the number of the command from the F7 list to paste

  • Open the Command Prompt From Any Location

Screenshot of the Open Command Window Here option
All you have to do is navigate, in Windows, to the folder you'd like to start working from once in Command Prompt. Once there, hold down your Shift key while you right-click anywhere in the folder.
